The Real Mike Rowe – A Farmer is Fixing It

In the long history of public education, it’s hard to imagine a more boneheaded ruling than the completely hairbrained and totally demented decision to remove shop class from high school. I’m still not sure exactly who to blame for this travesty, but even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. Because getting shop class back into public schools is never going to happen. But – getting students back into shop class is another matter entirely. In fact, that’s happening as we speak, and one of the people responsible for that miracle is this week’s guest.

His name is Brent Haken, and he’s the perfect person for me to introduce as we approach another Labor Day, and the sixteenth anniversary of mikeroweWORKS.

Brent started his career in education as a farmer, which probably explains his extraordinary success as a teacher, principal, supervisor, and now, the state director of career and technical education in Oklahoma. What he’s accomplished in Oklahoma – in particular at Central Tech – could and should be replicated all over America. In short, Central Tech is a school for students who desire real-world opportunities, hands-on learning, and a relevant curriculum that anyone can put to immediate use. Everything from nursing to truck driving to welding. The school pride is palpable. Students graduate not at the end of a term, but when they have mastered the necessary skills. Thus, a nursing program that might typically go for 18 months, can be completed in half that time, if the student excels. Meritocracy abounds. Healthy competition keeps students at the top of their game, and there’s a student waiting list every year.

Of note, I didn’t go to Oklahoma to interview Brent – I just ran into him while filming a new round of materials for the Oklahoma energy industry. But what he told me in casual conversation was too consequential to ignore, and when I saw seventeen busloads of kids from high schools all over the area show up after school to continue their studies at Central Tech, I asked if Brent could spare an hour to share the secret of Central Tech’s remarkable success.

He said sure, so we sat down in a hot tool room and had a chat. Our conversation is here or on your favorite podcast app. Please listen and share. It’s kind of important.